When is the Best Time to Move?

Unless you’re in the moving business, you might not realize there are on and off seasons for moving.

Summer is the most popular time to move because the weather is warm and generally more predictable, and the days are longer so more work can be accomplished. When given the choice, most people move between May and September.

On the other hand, winter is the least popular time to move. The weather is usually cold and unpredictable, and there is less daylight.

While most people would rather move during the summer than the winter, is it the cheapest time to move?

Affordability: Summer vs. Winter

Because spring and summer are the most popular seasons for moving, it is also the most expensive. There is a greater demand for moving services, and therefore, professional movers can charge more for their services. This is the nature of successful businesses: with higher demand comes higher prices.

Professional moving companies also need to hire extra workers during the summer to meet the demand. These extra employees may not have the same experience as the core staff, which can result in damaged goods that need replacing (which is an extra cost to you if you didn’t purchase a mover’s insurance).

Just like any other company that recognizes seasons of slow business, most professional movers have significantly lower prices in the fall and winter. This incentivizes those who have a flexible moving timeline to wait until the off-season to move.

Spring and Summertime Moving: Pros and Cons

Spring and summer might be the most popular time to move, but that doesn’t mean the pros outweigh the cons.


  • Ideal weather: The weather in the spring and summer is usually pleasant and makes moving easier.
  • Best time to list your home: When everything is blooming, homes seem more inviting. This means you can typically get a better price on your home than in other seasons
  • School break: Moving in the summer makes it less stressful for everyone. Your kids are on break from exams–or even at a summer camp!
  • Longer days: More can be accomplished during a spring or summer day than a fall or winter one


  • Rainy or hot weather: Springtime is often very rainy, which makes moving heavy furniture more dangerous or could damage your belongings. While warm weather is nice, the hot and humid days of summer can be miserable to deal with
  • High demand for professional movers: You might not get your ideal moving date if a company is already booked. Some companies even cancel booked moves because the demand is so high.
  • Inexperienced workers: Moving companies often hire temporary workers to help accomplish more jobs. But these inexperienced workers can damage your belongings–and this can be a costly mistake.

Fall and Winter Moving: Pros and Cons

You shouldn’t count out fall and winter seasons for moving just because it’s cold. There are plenty of reasons to move during these seasons, although there are definitely some cons.


  • Ideal autumn weather: Cooling temperatures in the autumn once again bring ideal moving weather. Some states, especially in the south, have mild winters that make for ideal moving weather.
  • Moving company availability: As the moving season tapers down, moving companies are once again more available, and you’re able to get your ideal moving date.
  • Experienced movers: Your movers will typically be the most experienced ones, which means your belongings are more likely to arrive safely at their new location.
  • Better moving prices: During the offseason, many moving companies reduce their prices. Fall and winter are the most affordable seasons to hire a professional moving service.
  • Best time to buy a house: Autumn and winter are slower housing seasons, which means you can get the best price on a new home during this time.


  • School: Most families want to be settled into their new home and community before starting school. Moving during the autumn and winter can be disruptive to your child’s education.
  • Weather: Frigid temperatures, unpredictable weather, icy roads, and more, understandably makes autumn and winter an undesirable season for moving in many parts of the country.
  • Shorter days: You have to accomplish all your loading and unloading in a shorter time frame.
  • Holidays: Your move can coincide with many holiday plans.

As you can see, there’s no clear-cut winner on which is the best season to move. Every family is different and should weigh the pros and cons of which season to move.

No matter what season you move in, Peavler Moving & Storage is here for you! We are a family-owned-and-operated business with over 35 years of experience. We pride ourselves on the care we take when moving your possessions; we treat your possessions like our own! Our countless satisfied customers can attest to our professionalism and efficiency. Contact us today for a free quote!

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“Always A Pleasure”

“The Peavler Family has always been tremendously helpful when we’ve needed them. They do what they promise, every single time. Working with Eric & Kat is always a pleasure. Whether you need your valued family furniture moved safely and with care, or need a storage unit to handle the overflow, the Peavler Family can take care of you!”

Clay Albright, 02-16-23

“Professional, Reliable, Trustworthy”

Our family has used Peavler Moving and Storage on six separate occasions over the past 31 years. We found them to be professional, reliable, trustworthy, and extremely knowledgeable in the care and moving of our belongings. They have moved us three times within Danville and three times out of state. Each time they took great care during the move. We also have used their storage facility. It was very clean and secure. We highly recommend for moves short or long, as well as storage needs.

Kathy and John Hignight, 02-15-23

“Used Peavler On Six Separate Occasions”

Our family has used Peavler Moving and Storage on six separate occasions over the past 31 years. We found them to be professional, reliable, trustworthy, and extremely knowledgeable in the care and moving of our belongings. They have moved us three times within Danville and three times out of state. Each time they took great care during the move. We also have used their storage facility. It was very clean and secure. We highly recommend for moves short or long, as well as storage needs.

Kathy and John Hignight, 02-15-23

“Absolutely Love”

Our family has been using Peavlers exclusively to move things for over 30 years! We absolutely love working with the Peavler family, they are top notch!

Sarah Berry, 02-24-23

“Highly Recommend”

“I highly recommend Peavler Moving and Storage. We have used them on multiple jobs. They handled our belongings like they were their own!”

Nicole Page Cacciatore, 02-22-23

“Very Trustworthy Company”

Great family! We highly recommend their services they are a very trustworthy company. We currently have a storage unit with them! When we were working on the restaurant we thought getting the 10’ hood system in the kitchen would be impossible! Peavler showed up looked around and got it right in the kitchen now that’s experience!! Thank you for your services.

Zeek Combination, 02-26-23

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