How to Pack for Your Big Move

The process of moving can feel like a whirlwind. There’s so much to remember, schedule, budget, and pack! It’s understandable to feel overwhelmed and not know what to do first.

So before you begin planning your move or packing, here’s a short guide on how to have an easy, efficient move.

1. Pick a Date and Hire a Moving Company

For most moves, you don’t have to be in your new location on an exact date. Even during a job relocation, there’s a little wiggle room that allows you to pick your ideal moving date. Picking a moving date is giving yourself a commitment and a deadline so you know when things need to be accomplished.

If you’re hiring a professional moving service like Peavler Moving & Storage, you should schedule your moving date right away to secure a spot. Keep in mind that many moving companies offer cheaper rates during the week than on the weekend, so if you’re trying to save money on your move, try to plan your move during the week.

2. Make a Schedule

Working backward from your moving date, schedule all the things you need to do and when you will do them. Having a simple checklist and ambiguous timeline could result in a stressful moving week as you’re cramming to get everything done.

If you’re working a full-time job, it can be helpful to block out designated time for packing. Although packing can seem like the most obvious part of moving, it’s easy to brush aside and do later. It’s also the last thing you want to do at the end of your work day! Consider even taking a half day at work to invest in packing.

3. Gather Your Supplies

You need basic moving supplies like boxes, tape, newspaper or bubble wrap, permanent markers, etc. If you’re trying to save money on your move, boxes are the easiest way to cut back on costs, but it takes time and intentionality. For instance:

  • Ask your friends, neighbors, or on social media apps for free moving boxes
  • Save all boxes shipped to your house
  • Call around to local restaurants and grocery stores to see if they have free or cheap boxes

4. Pack One Room At a Time

Don’t feel like you have to pack all your house at once! Go one room at a time and pack up everything you can. This will help you feel less overwhelmed and more accomplished.

As you pack, sort through the items you have. Moving is an excellent time to purge things you no longer use or need! Have three piles for anything that doesn’t go in a box: trash, donate, and sell. Selling new and gently used items is an excellent way to make extra cash, and donating items is good for the environment and the community.

Packing Tips

  • Hire a Babysitter: Trying to pack while kids are in the house is a fast track to frustration. Hiring a babysitter (even better, drop them off at the babysitter’s house!) helps you accomplish your packing faster and with less disruption
  • Be Mindful of Books: Books are one of the heaviest things you can pack! Choose small boxes for books, or pack other items with your books if using a larger box.
  • Label Everything Inside: And we mean everything. You might not think you need to know where the rubber bands are until you really really need a rubber band and are opening every box trying to find them. It takes a few extra seconds to write down all the contents, but it saves you time and frustration later.

5. Pack an Essentials Box

Your house will feel pretty empty during the last few nights, and you won’t be completely unpacked in your new home on your moving day. This is where an essentials box (or two!) comes in. It’s the box that contains all you need for a few days, like toiletries, clothes, electronics, and more.

Once you’ve picked your moving date, contact Peavler Moving & Storage to secure your professional moving date!

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“Always A Pleasure”

“The Peavler Family has always been tremendously helpful when we’ve needed them. They do what they promise, every single time. Working with Eric & Kat is always a pleasure. Whether you need your valued family furniture moved safely and with care, or need a storage unit to handle the overflow, the Peavler Family can take care of you!”

Clay Albright, 02-16-23

“Very Trustworthy Company”

Great family! We highly recommend their services they are a very trustworthy company. We currently have a storage unit with them! When we were working on the restaurant we thought getting the 10’ hood system in the kitchen would be impossible! Peavler showed up looked around and got it right in the kitchen now that’s experience!! Thank you for your services.

Zeek Combination, 02-26-23

“Highly Recommend”

“I highly recommend Peavler Moving and Storage. We have used them on multiple jobs. They handled our belongings like they were their own!”

Nicole Page Cacciatore, 02-22-23

“Absolutely Love”

Our family has been using Peavlers exclusively to move things for over 30 years! We absolutely love working with the Peavler family, they are top notch!

Sarah Berry, 02-24-23

“Professional, Reliable, Trustworthy”

Our family has used Peavler Moving and Storage on six separate occasions over the past 31 years. We found them to be professional, reliable, trustworthy, and extremely knowledgeable in the care and moving of our belongings. They have moved us three times within Danville and three times out of state. Each time they took great care during the move. We also have used their storage facility. It was very clean and secure. We highly recommend for moves short or long, as well as storage needs.

Kathy and John Hignight, 02-15-23

“Used Peavler On Six Separate Occasions”

Our family has used Peavler Moving and Storage on six separate occasions over the past 31 years. We found them to be professional, reliable, trustworthy, and extremely knowledgeable in the care and moving of our belongings. They have moved us three times within Danville and three times out of state. Each time they took great care during the move. We also have used their storage facility. It was very clean and secure. We highly recommend for moves short or long, as well as storage needs.

Kathy and John Hignight, 02-15-23

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